How to Restore MySQL Database with MySQLdump (using Command)

Summary: Users want to back up or save a copy of the MySQL Server data to protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failure, and natural disasters. As you take the backup, it will help you to save time and money if these failures occur. However, users must also restore and recover the data after a failure. So, in this blog, we will discuss the best and most effective methods to back up and restore MySQL databases with the MySQLdump command. Although, if you fail to restore the database from backup files because of corruption or damage, then you rely on the Aryson MySQL Database Recovery Tool. Download Now   Purchase Now

A Brief Introduction of Mysqldump Command

Mysqldump is a command-line utility in MySQL that allows you to back up the contents of a MySQL database. The Mysqldump command creates a text file containing SQL statements that can be used to recreate the database later. You can even restore the data from the backup file using the MySQLdump command.
Here’s the basic syntax for MySQLdump:

mysqldump [options] database [tables]

Here are some common options used by mysqldump:

  • -u username: It specifies the username to use when connecting to MySQL.
  • -p: It prompts for a password before connecting to MySQL.
  • -h hostname: To assign a specific hostname to the MySQL server.
  • –single-transaction: It creates a consistent database snapshot using a transaction instead of locking tables.
  • –compress: Compresses the output using gzip.
  • –result-file=file: Writes the output to a file instead of stdout.

You can use Mysqldump to back up an entire database or specific tables within a database. The resulting output can be saved to a file or piped to another command for further processing. That’s all about it; let’s move on to the methods that will help us to restore MySQL Database using MySQLdump if we previously took the backup.

What are the Methods to Backup & Restore MySQL Database with MySQLdump Command?

The following section will describe the methods to back up MySQL Database using the mysqldump command and how to restore it from the Backup file.

How to Back Up a MySQL Database with Mysqldump?

Here are the simple steps to backup a single, specific, or all databases using the mysqldump command:-

#1 Backup a Single Database

Here is the following mysqldump command you need to use to create a backup of a single database:-

‘mysqldump -u root -p db_name > dump.sql’

Once you create a database backup named ‘db_name,’ you must dump it to a SQL file format,i.e., dump.sql. You can even authenticate the database with the help of the username (-u) and password (-p) options. Also, the dump process requires a root password to continue further.
Alternatively, you can perform the dump process without entering the password; the only requirement is to log in to the server before starting the process. The following is the command:-

mysqldump db_name > dump.sql

#2 Backup Specific MySQL Database

The mysqldump command also offers you an option to only back up a few specific MySQL databases at a time; the following are the common command for that:-
mysqldump -u root –p --databases db1 db2 > dump.sql
When you try to back up specific databases, you must separate each name with space.

#3 Backup all MySQL Databases

You need to use the all databases option to backup all your MySQL databases:-

mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > dump.sql

This syntax will create a single dump file with all the databases. However, once you have or you created a dump file, you can proceed to the methods for restoring the MySQL Database from the dump file.

How to Restore MySQL Database with MySQLdump?

To Restore MySQL Database using the MySQLdump command, you will need to create an empty database and then perform the following steps:-
1. Command to Drop and recreate your database.

mysql > drop db_name

mysql > create db_name

2. Command to restore the database.

mysql -u root -p db_name < dump.sql

3. Command to verify whether the restored database contains all the objects or not.

mysql > use db_name;

mysql > show tables;

But What If the Backup Database is Corrupted or Damage

Suppose you fail to restore MySQL Database using the MySQLdump command because your backup database is inaccessible for you, or it may be possible that your stored file is getting corrupted or damaged. In that case, you need to use any alternate solution that will help you to restore database data from the corrupt/damaged files too.

The Aryson MySQL Database Recovery is one of the most effective and reliable solutions to restore all the database objects from the corrupt MySQL database files(.idb and .frm). This software helps recover Triggers, Functions, Indexes, Tables, Rules, Views, and Stored Procedures of MySQL Server Database files. In addition, once you restore the data from the MySQL database files, you can save them further into a new script or MySQL Database online.


This article describes the benefits of backing up SQL Server databases, basic methods to backup SQL Server databases and how to restore MySQL databases using the MySQLdump command. Here, we also recommend a third-party solution to help you restore the database from the SQL Server files if they get corrupted or damaged.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is restoring the database using mysqldump Command beneficial?

Ans – Yes, restoring a MySQL database using the mysqldump command can be very beneficial for several reasons, such as Data backup & recovery, Data migration, Database version control, Database cloning, and others.

Q. Where is the mysqldump tool located on the Windows system?

Ans – On Windows systems, the mysqldump executable can be found in the bin directory of your MySQL installation directory, which is typically located at C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server <version>\bin.

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About The Author:

I am a technical content writer at Aryson Technologies with an experience of 2 year specializing in writing about databases, data recovery, file management, e-mail recovery & migration solutions. Also, I am proficient in working in a challenging environment using all my skills and want to serve the reputed growth of the industry in the development field.

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